I want to help young mathematicians to deal with the psychological struggles of doing math.
For that reason, in January 2021 I started the YouTube channel "Math-Life Balance",
where I post my non-professional interviews with professional mathematicians.
I mostly ask about their personal experience in math, their struggles and lifehacks.
Interviews are uploaded on Fridays at 6 pm CET.
Podcast version is maintained by Emil Jacobsen.
Comments, critics or encouragement via e-mail are welcome.
Enjoy the videos and please spread the word!
I am making a new series of videos, "K-theory Wonderland",
which are an attempt to popularize abstract math!
Here is the first math video, and here is a masterpiece made by Jeremiah Heller.
Feedback is very welcome!
Requests for more videos are welcome!
E-mail: yakerson at imj-prg.fr